Quezon City Resolution 6692, Series of 1964:

DR. BONIFACIO VITAN LAZCANO, Contingent Scoutmaster and Physician
Bonifacio Lazcano was born on June 5, 1919, the sixth child of seven: Agapita (Mrs. Estacio), Candido, Florentina (Mrs. Aguilar), Felicidad (vda. de Barcelona), Jose, and Francisco.
He joined the YMCA Troop 3 in 1932 when he was 13 years old. Troop 3, Manila Council, is the oldest Scout Unit in the Philippines. It was started by Judge Manuel Camus who was its first Scoutmaster. Dr. Lazcano served as junior assistant scoutmaster and eventually Scoutmaster. He loved Scouting so much he was always in it either as a Boy Scout or as a Scouter.
He obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Santo Tomas in 1944 and served as medical officer of the U.S. Army during the liberation. He was medical officer of the Medical Clinic, BSP from 1953 to the time of his death.
Dr. Lazcano beleived that Scouting contributes vital values in the life of an individual. Once when he was devoting so much time to Scouting that his practice was neglected, his wife Gloria chided him. he looked her in the eye solemnly and said: "I love Scouting so much that it is my blood. I will be very unhappy if I cannot serve Scouting in even how small a way. I started in Scouting as a boy and it has become part of me. I know I will die in Scouting."
He used to say that the most memorable experience in his life was when he won the city-wide Treasure Hunt contest of the Manila Council. He got a Baby Brownie camera.
He was a good tennis player and was president of the Arellano High school Alumni Association, founder of the Ex-YMCA Scout Alumni Association, and Guildmaster of the BSP Scout Guild (Philippines).
He wife, the former Gloria Sarco, lives in Canada. The children are Arthur, Nina Marie and Marivic.
As contingent Scoutmaster and physician, Dr. Bonifacio Lazcano stayed with the boys all through the pre-departure training from July 8 to 28. He also composed the Jamboree song for the Philippine delegation.

SCOUTER FLORANTE L. OJEDA, Assistant Scoutmaster
Dodong, as Florante was known to his associates, was the fift child of Andres P. Ojeda and Aniana Lirio of Placer, Surigao del Norte. He was born on February 27, 1916 which made him the oldest member of the Philippine delegation to the 11th World Jamboree.
The young Ojeda was enrolled at the Placer Central Elementary School in 1923 where he graduated in 1930. He finsihed the secondary course at the Surigao High School in 1934. He was a classroom teacher when the Second World War broke out.
In1945, he married Clemencia Dagani of Babadbaran, Agusan. She is the sister of the former Governor of Agusan. In 1947, he became principal of the elementary department of the Northern Mindanao Colleges, a private institution. here he organzied the NORMI Boy Scouts with himself as the Scoutmaster. For his activities in scouting, he received the Silver and Bronze SErvice Awards of the BSP National Council for meritorious and outstanding services in the field of Scouting."
In 1954, Ojeda completed the Normal Course in the Philippine Normal College and in 1963 the BSE degree at the Northern Mindanao Colleges. He transferred to the Bureau of Public Schools and taught in the Cabadbaran Central Elementary School. Chosen to represent the Agusan Council Florante Ojeda bade goodbye to his wife, daughter and five sons to attend the 11th World Jamboree in Greece. It was Friday, July 27, 1963 in Manila.

Buddy Fernandez was born on July 20. 1919 in Davao City to Calixto Fernandez, a general merchant and cattle rancher, and Maria Purat Santos, a civic and religous leader. He married Josefina Y. Angeles of Binangonan, Rizal, a school teacher and they had nine children: Aloysius, Lourdes, Francis Xavier, Maria Therese, Ignatius, Margaret Mary, Agnes, Ann Rosary, and Calixto Emmanuel.
He finished his primary and intermediate grades at the San Nicolas Elementary School in Manila. After some years of highs chool at the Ateneo de Manila, he continued and graduiated at the the Ateneo de Cagayan, where he also finished a Bachelor of Science in Business ADminsitration. All throughh high school and college, he worked as a clerk in the office of the late Rev. Fr. Edward Haggerty, S.J., the famnour "Guerilla Padre" of the Philippines.
At the outbreak of the Second World War, Fernandez, served in Mindanao with the USAFFE. Later he became an intelligence officer of ROTC guerilla unit operating in southern Luzon. He was inducted as 2nd Lieutenant in the 11th Airborne Division, US Army, and became the Filipino aide to Commanding General Joseph M. Swing. As captain, he was the only Filipino officer of the Division Staff of the 11th Airborne Division.
He turned down an offer of a scholarship to the U.S. Army School. Having reverted to the Philippine Army, in 1946 he requested for inactive status.
Rev. Fr. George William, S.J. took him to organize the Catholic clubs and association in Manila and neighboring provinces. Later he worked for Philippine Airlines. He graduated from the flight pursers training at the top of his class. Buddy was the personal flight purser of two presidents: Ramon Magsaysay and Elpidio Quirino. After the cancellation of international flights, he was taken by Col. Soriano as sales reperesentative of the San Miguel Brewery. Later he worked with Cathay Pacific Airways for four years. He was with United Arab Airlines as District Sales Manager at the time of the accident.
In college, Buddy was vice-president of the Ateneo de Cagayan Manila Chapter, president of the Boarders Organization, managing director of the Crusader (Ateneo de Cagayan's college organ), president of the Study Club of Manila, and lay secretary of the Archbishop of Mindanao, James T.G. Hayes, S.J. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus, Eagle Scouts Fraternity of the Philippines, Ateneo Alumni Association, Philippine Veterans Legion, Manila Overseas Press Club, Association International Des Skal Club, Amicle de Tourisme, and World Veteran Federation.

REV. FR. JOSE A. MARTINEZ, S.J., Assistant Scoutmaster and Chaplain
Jose Martinez was born on September, 1921 in Laoag, Ilocos Norte to Jose Martinez and Julia Agcaoili. He graduated from the Colegio de San Carlos High School, Cebu City, where he was an Eagle Scout. From 1939-1942, he was a student at the San Jose Seminary in Manila. On May 31, 1942 he entered the Society of Jesus, as a novitiate at the Sacred Heart Novitiate in Manila and Novaliches.
For a time he taught languages and religion at the Atendeo de Naga. He studied theology at Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland and was ordained to the priesthood on June 16, 1956 at the Chapel of Fodham University, New York City, by Francis Cardinal Spellman.
For two years, from 1958-160, he served at the Ateneo de San Pablo, San Pablo City, as adminsitrator professor of English and Religion; and librarian and as a parish priest in Cagayan District of Mindanao. Then he was called to accompany the Philippine contingent as Assistant Scoutmaster and Chaplain.
His surviving brothers and sisters are: Fr. Federico A. Martinez, S.J., Head Chaplain, Philippine General Hospital, Manila; and Treasurer, Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City; Sister Marie Manuela, Staff of the ICU Genarclate, Rome, Italy; Julio Martinez, Cebu City; Ruben Martinez, Nestle, Inc., Makati; Jesus Martinez, Cebu City; Mrs. Maria Martinez vda de Alvarado, San Juan, Rizal; Mrs. Teresita A. Young, Cebu City; and Ms. Ruperta Martinez, vice-president, University of Southern Philippines, Cebu City.
Fr. Jose Martinez blessed the Philippine delegation before they boarded the plan for Hong Kong. This was part of the final rites.

Born September 3, 1947, Ramon "Chito" Albano was the fifth child and fifth son of eleven children of Dr. Paulino E. Albano and Dr. Pilar Valdes Albano. They managed St. Rita Maternity Hospital in Gagalangin, Tondo.
Chito was a healthy boy, short and chubby as a child, full of energy as he romped about the house with his brothers, sisters and friends.
He finished kindergarten at the Immaculate Concepcion Academy with honors in Religion. for his grade school studies, he moved to the Colegio de San Juan de Letran. He took his first Holy Communion on December 4, 1954, a day of the 2nd National Marian Congress at the Luneta, Manila. At the age of seven he joined the Cub Scout movement at Letran where on March 19, 1955 he was crowned "Cub Scout King" bu Ivonne de los Reuyes the reigning Miss Philippines, with the assistance of Rev. Fr.Angel de Blas, O.P., the College Rector. As he grew more engrossed in scouting, he joined the drum and bugle corps and such outdoor activities as camping, swimming and hiking.
He passed the validating examinations for first year high school and thus skipped Grade VII. In his junior year he became an Air Scout. On March 24, 1963, he graduated from high school with a loyalty medal.
Ever helpful, Chito was an embodiment of the principles of the Scout Law that a Scout must be trustworthy, friendly, obedient, brave, loyal, coureous, cheerful, clean, helpful, kind, thrifty and reverent. These were not just principles he memorized and recited; he lived them and he did his "best to God and to our country."
Was there a job to do? Chito was cheerful and obedient doer. He helped with the car cleaning, he accompanied his brothers to the post office or the bank, he was the ever ready scout.
Early in the morning of July 27, the whole family heard Mass at the parish chuirch. Chito bent his head in reverent prayer. He had a prayer book and a rosary in his luggage. And at the ramp, joing up the plane, he wave his hand with gleee, his salakot slightly askance, a big smile on his face.
With him went the pryaers of his parents Dr. and Mrs. Paulino Albano and the children Sonny, Reny, Larry, Alex, Mario, Medy, Diding, Nina, Rita, and Joji.

PATRICIO DULAY BAYORAN, JR., Patrol Leader, Senior Scout Pathfinder
Patricio Dulay Bayoran, Jr. was born on November 17, 1944 in Manapla, Negros Occidental to Patricio B. Bayoran, Sr. and Gloria R. Dulay. also called Tecal, Jun and Junior, Tecal finished his first grade at the St. Mary's Academy in Pasay City, his second grade in Davao City, and his third grade in Cagayan de Oro City. The family then moved to Cebu and later to Manila. Tec returned to St. Mary's Academy where he finished his elementary education.
He became a Boy Scout at St. Mary's, conscientiously living up to the Scout Oath: "On my honor, I shall do my best to God and our country."
Bayoran, Jr. took up high school at Feati University where he joined the Feati Air Scout Squadron. At Feati, he was a scholar and class president. As a scout leader, he attended the 10th World Jamboree at Mt. Makiling where he made many friends from the foreign contingents. Tec's obsession to join the next world abroad changed from an illusion to a reality. He joined the Philippine Airlines Scout Squadron in Pasay City COuncil, because his father worked as an aircraft technician of PAL. His mother Gloria was with the PAL employee's store in Nichols.
He enjoyed handicraft, assembling a lamp shade, a table radio, a model airplane and wooden ash trays. Tec was an accomplished dancer as well as a talented cook. No wonder, his fellow scouts would often comment that their group was incomplete without Tec.
As part of his scout activities, he attended several training-for-survival courses, especially the one in Los Baños, Laguna for fire-fighting and jungle survival sponsored by the Philippine Air Force and the U.S. Air Force. Tec went often with his Troop to be kind to the unfortunates. Once they visited the National Orthopedic Hospital at Banawe, Quezon City and regaled the inmates with stories and gifts. He also volunteered to go with his group to Lucena to help distribute goodstuffs ato the indigents. Always with him was a rosary his mother had given him.
At their pre-departure training, Dr. Bonifacio Lazcano recommended him to be the Troop Senior Patrol Leader. He was also named Leader of the Otter crew and unanimously voted Scribe of the PAL Air Scouts.

Air Scout Gabby Borromeo was born at the Hospital Español de Santiago in Makati on March 24, 1949. His parents are Casto Gomez Borromeo of Cebu City and Amelia Gallardo Nicolas of Laoag City. His brothers are Jonny (Married to Luzviminda de Guzman) and Ramon (married to Lourdes Vinas) and his sister is Lourdes (now Mrs. Raul Pestana).
As a toddler, he surprised his parents when they saw him make his paralyzed grandfather walk aboout six yards to a window to watch a parade passing by. His keen interest, concentration and manual dexterity were such that at the afe of ten he did assemble a toy robot in spite of the instructions being in Japanese. According to Mr. Camarillo, the PAL Scoutmaster, Gabby put together his own go-cart in record time of only a month. This qualified him to join the 1963 Soap Box Derby Race where he won an award. Based on Popular Science Magazine, he built a "streamlined" doghouse. He had two pet dogs, fish in two aquariums, a pinky white rabbit, and several stray cats.
He played bass guitar in a combo which played for paries of their friends for free. Gabby dreamed of getting a bass guitar and his mother proposed that he stint on shopping in Europe and on his way home, he could buy the electric guitar in Hongkong (where his parents planned to meet him).
Gabby attended kindergarten at the Ermita Catholic School and first grade to first year high school at the Malate Catholic School. For Chirstmas of 1962, he and his friends organized a caroling group, going around in a formal outfit of trubenized white shirt and tie.
A hombody, he did a lot of tinkering around the house. That summer he cleanred the roof and gutter of dry leaves and twigs. His orderliness extended to an album of stamps (which he solicited directly from consulates and embassies), a collection of coins from different countries, rocks from Baguio, and assorted knicknacks. They were his plans for the future.
A week after the contingent flew off, Gabby's parents received two cads from him, sent from Bangkok the story night they left the place.

I was born April 28, 1949 and in my young age, I was already involved in the scouting movement. I raised the flag in an Independence Day followed by enlisting the 11th World Jamboree. Many applied but only twenty four were chosen. Inspite of diversity in our social and religious beliefs we had the sasme common ideals. Love of God and fellowmen . As days passed on togetherness, I felt an intense love of brotherhood and togetherness. As a student of a public school...involved in an internationally worldwide movement...to Greece where freedom and democracy was won. So I went to Antipolo shrine and asked the Virgin Mary to help us clear the way for the Jamboree.
While handerkerchiefs waved. We stopped at Hongkong, and continued the journey. At Sta. Cruz Bombay, were asked to drop everything and in a jiffy His Will was done.
As we lay side by side, surrounded by orchids and flowers, people from all walks of life, grieved so much. God, the architect has His own way which we must obey.
As we passed the outerspace, we explored the higher standards of courage, integrity, honor and love mindedly knowing that as a scout we had been trustworthy, loyal helpful, clean, and reverent to our duty.
In passing let Universal brotherhood, justice and peace reign over you and me.

HENRY CABRERA CHUATOCO, Senior Scout Pathfinder
Henry C. Chuatco was born on September 16, 1945 to Dr. and Mrs. Jose Chuatoco of Binondo, Manila, the third of eight children, the oldest of six boys.
Henry started at the Ateneo Grade School where he finished elementary. He took two years at the Lourdes High School of the Capuchin Fathers and later transferred to Letran College where he finished the last two years of high school.
As a Letran Boy Scout, he was once assigned with the Police Force of Quezon City. His good work here was rewarded with a gold medal from the BSP national council, Father Domingo, O.P. of Letran College described him as quiet, attentive, hardworking and studious.
That year he enrolled at FEATI University to take up Aeronautical Engineering. His mother was worried abut his personal safety but he told her he would give them " the nor of being the parents of an aviator."
Aviation was of special interest for him. He delighted int he advances of technology, in the speed of modern aircraft, in the swift transmittal of messages across continent, in air travel and progress.
He spent hours on gymnastics, building his body with barbells and springs. When his mother objected to the seeming back-breaking training routine he followed, she threw his equipment into a nearby ditch. Henry quietly retrieved them and put them back in use. As a scout, he was obedient and practical. He felt he would need a strong body for the regimen at the 11th World Jamboree.

Jose Antonio "Ton" C. Delgado was born August 11, 1949 to Antonio Delgado, President, Delgado Brothers; and Nelle Chuidian, the third of four children: Roberto, Maria Dolores and Edward.
He loved to read and explore places. The younger Ed remembers a troop to New York where the two brothers roamed the city and explored museums, art galleries and tourist spots.
The mother narrates: "One of my most vivid recollections of Jose Antonio is of his last days with us. He was so excited and in such high spirits not only because he was going to a World Jamboree but because he was a 'natural traveler.' On our last trip abroad with the children Jose Antonio had even taken care of his younger brother Edward. And this time it was something special. This was his trip!
"We were all very busy, preparing for the trip to Athens: Jose Antonio as a member of the BSP delegation, Tony to be one of the Deputy Camp Chiefs of the Jamboree and I was the usual kabit.
"Tony and I were booked on a flight a day or so after the BSP delegation's departure and we tried to convince Jose Antonio to fly with us. He had a rheumatic heart and we were a bit worried about his flying. But he insisted on going with the delegation. He said it would not look right for him to go separately, and Tony and I had to agree. After all he was in good hands: the Contingent Scoutmaster was a doctor and the Assistant Scoutmaster was a Jesuit priest.
"On the eve of his departure, Tony and I took him out for a walk in the garden. And we talked for a very long time. We impressed on him how fortunate he was to be getting a chance to represent his country just like his father did 30 years before at an international scout jamboree held at Godollo, Hungary. Tony told him how important it was for him and the delegation to be real Ambassadors of Goodwill so that they could bring honor to our country. I, like a doting mother, told him to remember his rheumatic heart always and to be careful not to strain himself too much. We told him how proud we were of him and how confident we were that he would be a credit tot he coutnry and to us.
"The next day, the day of the delegation's departure, Jose Antonio was even more excited. He was really looking forward to Marathon, his first international experience! He had always been a happy, fun-loving boy, but that day he was really beside face, himself with excitement. Happiness was written all over him especially his eyes!
"That's the way I remember Jose Antonio: a happy boy with laughter in his eyes, very responsible for one so young. He was, I think, the most self-disciplined of all my four children. Always very punctual, very conscientious about his work and very much aware of his obligations. He was also the most extroverted and the most gregarious. He loved being with people. That is probably why he was in that ill-fated plane when it crashed in the Bay of Bengal.
"On his last night at home, Ton did not sleep in his bed. He stayed with Edward. Was it his way of saying goodbye to a brother, a comrade, a friend?"

Jovi was born on July 19, 1949 in Daet, Camarines Norte. He was the son of Engineer Felix (later Congressman and Governor) Fuentebella and the former Rita Palma of Goa, Camarines Sur. He was the third child in a family of four: Arnulfo, Angelina and Carmen.
As a baby he almost died of enteritis. His parents' prayers to St. Vincent, whose feast day it was, saved his life. After his recovery, he was baptized Jose vicente Felix.
Jovi started his education at the Daet Parochial Schoo. In 1954, he enrolled at San Beda College where he finished his elementary studies and began his secondary education. He excelled in mathematics where he won several gold medals. His San Beda records mark him as "talkative and inattentive at times." When chided for this failure, Jose would answer, "Alam ko na ang lecture.(I know the lesson.)" His keen mind was one step ahead, looking for something new.
The boy would spend his vacation in the province of Camarines Norte, in Goa, Sangay or Naga. He enjoyed the company of people, talking to the limpiabotas, the man in the street.
He was active in campus politics and sports. A member of the San Beda Altar Boys Association, a reliable acolyte, a devotee to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, religiously fulfilling his Wednesday and First Friday devotions, it was, however in the scouting movement wher ehe poured in most of his energy.
Along with the others he trained hard, determined to give his all for God, troop and country. Godofredo Neric said he was an intelligent and responsible boy. At the airport before he boarded the plane Jove handed his father a yellow sheet of paper, the receipt for the insurance payment. It was a final touch of responsibility his parents would always remember.

Pedro H. Gandia, Jr. was born on February 6, 1948 in Sampaloc, Manila. When he was a year old, his parents moved to Mindanao where Mrs. Gandia taught for a time. Three years later they were back in Manila for good.
Pedro, an only son, was sensitive but friendly, adventurous and active. A love for adventure brought him to scouting at the Mabini Elementary School. He found time for Tia Dely's Children Hour, Kiddie Combo and basketball games. At the San Sebastian College, he attained the second class Scout rank. Then he became a Star Scout. He participated in the 10th World Jamboree at Mount Makiling, Laguna, the summer campings, the Second National Jamboree held at Pasonanca Park, Zamboanga City, and the 1962 Third Asian Jamboree at Mount Fuji in Japan.
Pedro was very thoughtfuyl. The Second National Jamboree in Zamoanga City was th first long trip he took away from home. And he sent letters, postcards, telegrams to his mother. Always he would let her know what he was doing.
...Once he had said, "...I want a quick and sudden death. But I want the world to know my fate. I want to be a hero and the whole world to weep for me." It was youthful braggadocio and he got his wish

The lone delegate from the Zamboanga City Council was born on June 14, 1948 in Dumaguete City to Benjamin V. Limbaga and Purificacion Mariano. He was the fifth child of the family.
In his early childhood, he was nicknamed Tickboy from Tiki-Tiki with which his mother dosed him. To his classmates in Zamboanga, however, he was Tony.
He was only three years old when the family transferred to Basilan City. There he started kindergarten in the Isabela Parish Convent and at the age of six was awarded the prize of Archimedes of the year. he was good in arthmetic. When the family moved to Zamboanga City in 1956, he was enrolled in the public elementary school of Baliwasan, Zamboanga City where he graduated with honors in 1960.
Tony told his parents he wanted to be a priest. To test his vocation, his parents placed him in a co-educational school, the Zamboanga City High School. The environment did not change him. He was as religious as ever, an influence of good upon his fellow classmates.
As a child, Tick enjoyed sports. He started swinging a tennis racket at the age of ten when he would accompany his father to the tennis court. In his elementary grades, he showed skill and stamina as a soccer player. His team won the championship in the Junior bracket of the Division Meet in 1960. When the Soap-Box Derby came to Zamboanga City, he won the first prize. He easily learned the tricks and twists of basketball. And a few months before his departure for the 11th World Jamboree he joined his father at golf.
Tickboy started scouting when he was in grade five. His interest in sports led to a greater interest in scouting. He followed the Scout Oath and Law: friendly to the young and old, obedient to the elders and even his friends, courteous to people.
On the plane ramp, he waved happily to the watching crowd. He had achieved a boy's dream: he was going abroad!

VICTOR OTEYZA DE GUIA, JR. , Assistant Patrol Leader, First Class Scout
Victor was born in Baguio City on March 22, 1948, the third child in a family of four of Engineer Victor de Guia, Sr. and Virginia Oteyza.
Victor or Vijoe finished elementary at the Baguio Maryknoll Convent School. He was a freshman at the Baguio City High School but from second to fourth year, he was at the St. Louis Classical High School. He was president at the 2nd year Classical Class (1962), secretary of the Student Council, captain in the PMT (commander of Company C), staffer of the St. Louis Echo. He orgaznied and headed the school combo and was Boy City Council during the 1961 Boiys' and Girls' Week. He joined the Baguio-Benguet delegation tot he 2nd National Jamboree in Pasonanca, Zamboanga in 1961. The following year he was the cultural troupe of the Baguio Boy Scout Council that participated in the 4th regional jamborette in Bamban, Tarlac. When King Bhumibol of Thailand visited the BSP, Victor was chosen to speak for his fellow Scouts and to offer the gift of the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to the Corwn Prince Vajiralongkorn, son of King Bhumidol.
In an article in the St. Louis Echo, "Its Summertime Again," he wrote: "...there is no vacation from doing god. It is best to make the best and the most of school days, and vacation days too." He often put on a wide-eyed facial expression, much like that of a curious child, belying the seriousness under the veneer of mirth. A girl friend wrote: "Vijoe had an exexhaustible and ultra sense of humor that reached out across the bridge of shyness and drew others out of their shells. (He had) an unaffected frankness although not to the point of bluntness. (He had) his own unpretentious self. One among the few who never bothered to be somebody or something he was not. He was almost always the same Vijoe that I met a few months ago."
He wanted to be a civil engineer like his father, to take it in UP, and, he had confided in a girl, "if ever he would marry, he would settle in Baguio."
Before he boarded the plan, his older brother Eric cautioned him: "Vijoe, as soon as you are off Philippine waters, just remember that you are no longer a De Guia or a Baguio scout - you are a Filipino, and help build that image."
His mother added, "Son, be good and come home in one piece."
Vijoe smiled in answer.

Roberto, called "Bert," was born on February 7, 1944 to Augusto Lozano of Dagupan City and Patrocinio del Prado of Urdaneta, Pangasinan, the youngest of three children. When he was barely two years olf, he was stricken with polio. He walked with crutches but the handicap was a challenge rather than a deterrent.
At the Urdaneta Elementary School, he was a consistent honor student. It was here that Bert started his scouting. In high school he was an above average student and well liked by his superiors, friends and classmates. He loved music and played the ukelele and the guitar. His ambition was to be a famous doctor.
Through hard work and considerable pain, he rose to become a Rover Scout. He was an active Junior Scoutmaster at the Dagupan Colleges, teaching the elements of scouting to the younger boys.
In 1960 Bert was chosen as one of the representatives of teh Urdaneta Council to the 10th World Jamboree in Makiling. Having won the Northern Luzon extemporaneous speech contest in 1962, he was chosen as the official representative ofthe Dagupan Colleges to the 8th National PRISAA Athletic Meet held in Iloilo City. He won the silver medal in the speech contest.
His mother recalled how Bert would practice the Scout hand and flag signals. "He knew them so well he talked fluently with flags." Bert planned to visit the Grotto of Our Mother in Lourdes. Perhaps he was wishing for a miracle.
At the Manila International Airport, he had told Fernando E.V. Sison, acting BSP president, a fellow Pangasinense: Sir, when we come back, we will have a hero's welcome."
In his last letter to his sister Marites Bert had written: "Sis, you should be here when we come back. It will be a hero's welcome. You should be present."
Marites was present when Bert returned in a coffin.

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Senior Scout Pathfinder
Paulo was born to Mr. and Mrs. Anselmo Madriñan in Paete, Laguna on January 26, 1943 during the dark days of the Japanese occupation. He was a shy and quiet child, preferring the simple ways of life, enjoying solitude. On two occasions he was awarded a medal for "Most Behaved" student. He graduated from high school as first hnorable mention.
He took up civil engineering at Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, and was a senior at the time of the accident. After his second year in college, he became engrossed with basketball and his studies suffered. Fortunately, he became an Air Scout in the PAL unit. He attended camping, training and other Scouting activities. He was so proficient he was made Squadron Leader, Paulo was Assistant Scoutmaster of the Baclaran Boy Scout unit and got his Wood Badge shortly before training for the 11th World Jamboree. He was named Junior Assistant Scoutmaster in charge of Programs and Activities of the Philippine Delegation to Greece.
He was so busy at the airport, he refused to pose with his parents for a picture. His parents knew he had token on the mantle of adulthood. Scouting had made him a man.

Jose was born on January 1, 1949 to Engineer Juanito T. Magbanua and his wife Monserrat, the fourth child in a family of six, second of three boys. Mrs. Magbanua, a social worker in Dumaguete City, was vice-president of the Negros Oriental Federation of Women's Clubs.
"Jojo" graduated from Silliman Elementary School as valedictorian in 1961. He was a consistent scholar in the Silliman High School where he was chosen as most outstanding boy in the second year (1962). He was a memeber of the Hi-Y and the Cadet Officer's Candidate School. Just before he left for the 11th World Jamboree, he was appointed Fifth Perceptor, Leon Kelat Chapter, Order of Demoloy. He was active and diligent in church - ushering, participating in services, active in Christian Youth Fellowships.
He started as a Cub Scout member of Pack 1 in Silliman Elementary School. At age eleven, he graduated into boy scouting and was affiliated with Troop 12...
During the summer of 1963, he joined 51 other Boy Scouts at the Training Center in Camp San Antonio, Sibulan, for a three-session 28-day training encampment. At this camp he attained his Second Class and First Class ranks. He was working for his Maginoo Scout rank before his departure. At the encampment he was elected the first president of the Fraternal Oder of Sun-Tanned Campers, an exclusive fraternity of boy scout campers who have to their credit at least 25 days of camping.
Jojo was commended by his jamboree scoutmaster as "outstanding most cooperative boy scout." He was given the honor of being the official flag-bearer of the Filipino flag for Bhumipol of Thailand in 1963.
Jojo was going on to the States to visit his sisters Loreta and Ligaya who had scholarship grants in Iowa.

Boy, as he was affectionately called, was born on April 22, 1946 at Makati to Julio Rallos and Eufracia Rafael, the only son in a family of four. The girls are Norma (now Mrs. Mangabat), Rosie (now Mrs. Balatbat) and Tessie. Since his day of birth coincided with the election of President Roxas, the American WACs suggested that he take on the name of the late President. The parents, however, preferred atriple R-Romeo Rafael Rallos.
He was an A-1 child, a standout in any group because of his chubbiness and sense of humor. boy was well liked for his ability to take it; his plumpness made others poke jokes at him. Yet he was ambitious, diligent and dedicated to any endeavor...In spite of being an only son, he was ...humble.
Boy finished his elementary education at the Kamuning Elementary School (Quezon City) and went on to Quezon City High School. He took the Boy Scout Oath at the age of eight and from then on he was a boy scout to the core. He was with the National Jamborees in Zamboanga and Bicol, again in the 10th World Jamboree in Makiling.
His siter Norma tried to dissuade him from joining the 11th World Jamboree. "Save your money," she said. "Use it for your studies." and he answer. "Hindi ka boy scout. Hindi mo nalalaman ang jamboree. (Your not a boy scout. You don't understand a jamboree.)" His father who was in the American navy sent him the needed money.
With part of the money he bought neckerchiefs for exchange gifts. He told his friends, "When I return, I will have many things for all of you; but if I don't return, there's nothing I can do."
His first gift was a toy battleship given by a Japanese POW who was an attendant at an army hospital. It was given with a wish that the boy would be a great mansomeday! As a little boy, he played with the toy and dreamt of being an Admiral.
The evening before departure, Boy sat on the stairs leading to the second floor, his chin cupped in his hands. He, the usual laugh provoker, was pensive and thoughtful. The family ate supper and left him alone.
"Mabait na bata (A good child)," Mrs. Rallos recalled. That night he set up her mosquito net. "Pinagkabitan ako ng kulambo. Yon pala hindi na babalik. (He placed a mosquito net over me. As if he shall not return.)"

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Senior Scout Pathfinder
Filamer was born on the morning of June 16, 1942 in Cavite City to Floro and Florencia Reyes, their eight child. It was wartime and yet the parents named the boy in honor of the Filipino-American forces fighting the Japanese. His father was PAL supervisor of ground equipment and facilities in Manila.
Totoy, as his childhood friends called him, was a meek and unassuming boy. He enjoyed teasing and playing with his sisters and nephews and would often stay up at night with friends but he was never involved in any brawl.
He finsihed his early schooling at the Sta. Cruz Elementary School and graduated from the Cavite High School in 1959. He continued his studies at the FEATI University where he took up aircraft maintenance engineering. He would have completed this course, as he had only one semester to graduate, but the preparations for the World Jamboree and the trip to Greece were given priority.
Fil was an active member of the Holy Name Society and he attended mass regularly. once while the Holy Namers were repairing the old barrio chapel at Sta. Cruz, Cavite City, he jokingly said: "If I die I would like my remains to lie in state inside this chapel." Two months later his wish he would be fulfilled.
He was active in sports, and, for a time, he was captain of the Gideons Junior Basketbal team. His friends related one championship game when the opponents were only one point ahead. Fil took the ball and sank the winning goal just as the whistle sounded. Like a hero, he was carried on the shoulders of his gleeful teammates. And from the height, Fil cheerfully waved tot he clapping and shouting crowd.
He was a member of the PAL Air Squadron and together with his older brother Panay, he represented their unit at the 10th World Jamboree held in Makiling. at the 11th World Jamboree, he was scheduled to fly a remote-controlled airplane model as a special show of the contingent.
When his sisters learned that a papal audience would be included in their itinerary, they asked him to have their rosaries blessed by the Holy Father. The younge brother warned him: "Kuya, don't go anymore. The plane might crash, you'll die." Filamer smiled as he answered, "What if I die, that will make me a hero!"
From Hongkong to Bangkok, he hand-carried the airplane model. The oldest among the boys, as Junior Scoutmaster in charge of physical arrangements, he had responsiblities.

Willy was born at St. Rita Hospital in Gagalangin, Tondo on May 28, 1949, the youngest of nine children of Engineer Eduardo A. Santiago of Cabiao, Nueva Ecija and Pacita R. Mendoza of Malolos, Bulacan.
He attended the Immaculate Conception Academy of Manila where he compelte his primary studies, Lourdes School in Kanlaon, Quezon City where he finished his intermediate course; St. Francis School in Manadaluyong, Rizal where he had his freshman high school; and the Colegio de San Juan de Letran where he was a sophomore at the time he was named a representative tot he 11th World Jamboree.
Willy was a frail child at the Immaculate Conception Academy. his ill health limited his activities to home toys with television and phonograph records providing additional activity. At the Lourdes school, he joined the boy scouts which would provide a general improvement in his health.
As a member of Troop 56, he participated with great enthusiasm in an outside world, joining camping and outdoor competitions. He pitched a tent at the Quezon City Forestry site, cooked food at the Forest Hills resort, and sang jamboree songs at Pasonanca, Zamboanga City. He was a "mixer," he loved people and they knew it, he gained friends and kept them. They knew him as the "cute scout" who always tried "his best" in any scouting acitvity. The fun was not in the winning, it was in the trying, the playing, the joining in all activities including events where his height, age, and experience usually disqualified him. He was fun and everybody was fond of him.
Willy was not regarded an outstanding student. he was the turtle and not the rabbit in the famouse tale. He did his assignments faithfully, attended classes regularly, behaved properly, performed his duties diligently. After his one year stint at St. Francis, he and his parents decided he would join the contingent to the 11th World Jamboree in Greece. The implementation of this decision called for his transfer to Letran. He would go to Greece with Ramon "Chito" Albano who was like a brother to him. It was necessary for Willy to take and pass an entrance examination at Letran. With a little review and a lot of prayers, he survived English and Mathematics and made the grade.
Willy loved fishing(?) and dancing. He was also a school orator. Sometimes he would evince the thought of becoming a dentist. He was a sophomore at Letran College High School Department when he qualified as a delegate to the 11th World Jamboree.

BENICIO SUAREZ TOBIAS, Patrol Leader, First Class Scout
Benecio or "Butch" was born on August 23, 1946 to Mr. and Mrs. Jose G. Tobias of Tarlac. He started schooling at the age of seven and finished elementary at the age of ten. He then enrolled at the Tarlac High School, graduating in March 1963. The family had plans for him to enroll at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study engineering.
During his school days, he actively particiapted in the scouting mvoement and earned the rank of First Class Scout. At the 2nd National Jamboree held at Pasonanca, Zamboanga City, he showed skill in bridge construction.
Competing with other scouts, he passed rigid tests and interviews and qualified for the 11th World Jamboree as the lone representative of Tarlac Province.
Butch was a goodlooking affable young man, ever ready with a smile and a helping hand. He enjoyed company and was easy to get along with. His close friends among the jamboree members were Rogie Ybardolaza, Jun Gandia, and Boy Rallos.

ANTONIO RIOS TORRILLO, Assistant Patrol Leader, Eagle Scout
Tony was born on July 19, 1946 to Col. and Mrs. Alfonso Torillo (nee Anastacia Rios), the oldest of six children: Glora (Mrs. Golez), Alfonso, Valeria, Ramon and Chona (Mrs. Viray). He was born in Rosario, Cavite where his father was chief security officer of Filoil.
His elementary education was in private Catholic schools in Manila and he finished high school at the Rosario Institute of Technology and later transferred to San Beda College.
Tony was a dedicated scout with a collection of 36 merit badges. He attained the highest Boy Scout rank of Eagle Scout in 1960. Tall and slim and glowing in his pankingly neat uniform, Tony was a symbol of Youth and Hope to his motehr as she proudly pinned the Eagle Scout badge on him that afternoon. He looked so soldierly that his parents thought he might become an officer like his father. In fact his application papers for entrance to the Philippine Military Academy at Baguio were filed before he left. The examination was scheduled for November 16, 1963. Needless to say, he never took it.
He was Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 50, Rosario Institute, Cavite Council. His Scouting activities included several campings in Cavite, Bulacan, Makiling and Baguio. He attended the BSP National Jamboree at Zamboanga City in 1960. As the only Eagle Scout in the Philippine delegation to the 11th World Jamboree, he was selected to act as Aide to Brown Prince Constantine, Chief Scout of Greece, a distinction given only to Boy Scouts of the highest rank.
Tony was shy and reserved as a child, keeping to himself and working on his merit badges. In Scouting, he became more sociable and outward going. The 11th World Jamboree was going to be the acme of his achievement in youth. Beyond that was a new world to conquer. It was not to be this world.

Jun who bore the name of his father was born on November 28, 1947 in Manila, the second of six sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ascario G. Tuason (nee Purificacion G. Ampil).
His early schooling was at the Ateneo de Manila where he was initiated into scouting as a Cub Scout. Like other boys of his age, Jun was playful and full of energy, getting into little mischiefs with his adventurous spirit. He was later transferred to San Beda College where his other brothers were.
Soon he was in several school organizations: the Solidality, the Squires of the Altar, BEDSCA, ECOS (the school yearbook), Scouting. He was in almost all Scout campings, including the 2nd National Jamboree held at Pasonanca Park, Zamboanga City in 1961. Here he met and made friends with fellow scouts from different parts of the country. In his seventh grade, he attended the Junior Leadership Course at Camp Gre-Zar, Novaliches, Quezon City. Here he was given an award as the most sociable Scout.
Jun was an average student in his studies. What made him stand out among his classmates was his personality. He was kind hearted, trustworthy, courteous and religious. He served at Holy Mass regularly in school. He kept a busy hand not only in school but also at home. His teachers speak of him as one with always a ready helping hand.
At home Jun is remembered for his dependability and reliability. As the second brother of six, there were four younger ones who looked up to him for help and guidance. His parents never worried about the younger ones as long as Jun was with them. They knew he could be depended upon.
Early in life he showed an aptitutde for business. He would buy materials used for industrial work projects in school, toys and gadgets and sell them to his classmates for a substantial profit. The money he put in his sabings bank.
He like company and organized a combo with his friends. There were plans for more socials with his new friends and fellow scouts. There would be parties with dancing and music. He would be comanager of the combo. And he kept himself a Scout, true to his solemn Oath. Physically strong, mentally awake, morally straight, he did his duty to God and country.

Rogie was born on September 9, 1946 in Pakil, Laguna, the third of five children of Atty. Gregorio C. Ybardolaza and the former Virginia D. Celis. The other children are Gregorio, Jr., Victoria (Mrs. Manalo, now living in Richmond, California), Flordeliza (Mrs. Redor, residing in Siniloan, Laguna), and Leonila (Mrs. Manalang, residing in Houston, Texas).
He had his elementary education at the Kamuning Public School in Quezon City, where he was a Cub Scout in 1957. He finished high school at the Far Eastern University on March 31, 1963. He continued to be a member of the Quezon City Boy Scouts although he was also a member of the Scout unit at F.E.U. He joined the Quezon City contingent to the 10th World Jamboree at Pasonanca Park, Zamboanga City in May 1961. The 11th World Jamboree in Greece was going to be the peak of his record as a Boy Scout.
Although he was shy as a boy, his involvement in Scouting made him self-confident and gave him courage. He became religous, thrifty and industrious. Without formal music lessons, he taught himself to play the piano, the guitar and the ukelele. He gained proficiency in drawing and sketching. He liked basketball, badminton, swimming, boxing and dancing.
Rogie loved to travel and meet people. He took every opportunity to go biking and camping. He tagged along with his father on inspection trips. Before he went abroad, he had seen the whole length of the Philippine archipelago from north to south. Making it to the World Jamboree was Rogies's dream. When he qualified as a delegate, he intensified his studies in Scouting. Every material on Scouting was added lore. He practiced on the piano until midnight, rehearsed impromptu speeches, sought information on protocol and about different countries. He planned to tour Europe and America, maybe even see President Kennedy. He would visit Rome, perhaps be blessed by Poep VI. He was bringing along Paete wood carvings and they were carefully packed that las t evening by his mother. In America, he would study engineering.
Rogie had the knack of saying the right thing at the right time. When tempers ran high, he had a ready word, something funny at times, to calm down everybody.
When his mother had apprehensions about his safety, he told her: "Don't cry. I shall be back." And he kissed her.
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